Friday, February 4, 2011

ruf - def - dunc

I went to the doctor for my annual physical this week (sidebar - it had been four years since my last physical with my doctor) but it seems as if all is healthy for this gal. I saw a magazine on the rack with a quote I wanted to share.

"I never think of the future. It comes soon enough." - Albert Einstein

You never know what is around the next turn. I am incredibly grateful for my health. I have some friends who are going through difficult times with sick parents and caring for family members that need a little extra TLC. I feel blessed and lucky... hugs all around to those who are not so lucky right now.

Random encounters are usually one of my favorite things.

I network a lot for my job, so I avoid the scene with my friends or during my "off time" but last week I caved. I decided to give it the good old college try and made plans to attend a networking event at our local art museum. My draw - the art museum - a secret gem I have yet to visit in my six years here.

What happened? Well, a last minute pre-game is what happened...cocktails and giddy girlfriends...resulted in a later-than-planned departure and extremely tardy arrival to said networking event. No artwork viewing...just a few more random run-ins with faces from the past. Topped off with an impromptu "genius" dinner party suggestion at a great restaurant around the corner.

Hodgepodge of guests and table for six first, which grew into nine. (The most random combination of people.) Those gathered around the table could have never planned the encounter. (Let me elaborate that our original group probably would have not attempted to pull together this dinner table had we been in a different state of mind - but again, randomness - and voila it happens.) I have chosen not to dissect the intricate details of that evening but rather coined it "weirdest dinner dynamic EVER." Sorry to disappoint you, but also glad to adhere to the wishes of those involved. You just had to be there...

So I write to say I guess my randomness sometimes backfires. And the overlap and tunnel sharing in the ROC can be too close for comfort in my eyes.

The blog title is catchy though. It was the best personal quote of the evening relating to my personal web of conversations - Ruf (an old flame) Def (flashback to Def Leppard/Bryan Adams concert in 05) and Dunc (memories of my evening with Duncan Sheik). Somebody helped me connect those dots which made for a fit of laughs and thoughts on my drive into work the next morning.

I have a small set back with losing my free wireless connection at home, so I my updates are not as frequent as I hoped. I'm also working on my February 2011 playlist to share with you. I have been stalking some really great music blogs and have some great stuff to share.

Let's keep today positive and remind ourselves to never think of the future because it comes soon enough. :)

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