Friday, April 15, 2011

gnarManda Spice

I have officially landed in Cali.
Here is the latest fix of gnarManda spice.

1.) I fully realized my complete love for frozen chocolate before bed. (It has become my ulitmate indulgence.)
2.) I believe that you never know the world, or yourself, until you decide to make an conscious effort to step outside of your comfort box and let things unfold.
3.) "Let things unfold" has become my personal phrase every day, as well as "live each day as it comes." I often ask myself how I was able to transform into this type of woman, after all the years of the opposite? It is my destiny. At least for now.
4.) Chillax is a commonly used term here in Cali.
Life revolves around "chillax-in".
Good things are "tight" or "hella good."
Bad things are "jenky."
I hear "right on, rad, dude, totally, for sure" all the time, and have actually adapted my slang to include local terms. It's not "hello, how are you today," but rather "hey, how's it goin?"
5.)People love to hug the left lane in Cali. I was told that the right lane is the passing lane here. It has been tricky to figure out on my own.

At first I was consumed by trying to figure out what i thought was "passive/aggressiveness" but now i just realize it is a way of life here. And, reading between the lines is a bonus. Taking care of business, and making sure things get done are two things that are completely respected and admired here.

The beauty completely ROCKS my world beyond any previous expectations. It is nothing like Jackson. They are apples to oranges. But the whole vibe and "living the dream" attitude continues to amaze me each and every day. I wake up smiling at the sunshine, gazing out over the tallest pine trees i have ever seen. The mountais have become pillars in the everday scenery. I can not wait for float trips, and seeing the California stars from my sleeping bag, next to some california mountain man.

My dream is me right and I welcome it with open arms, and a naturally full smile. Life is good. Bring it on, keep it coming, :)